
In the late 80's I gave away my entire sewing room and took up knitting. All my fabric stash, my notions and yes, even my sewing machine!! Since KK was born, I have gotten back into sewing. This blog is to post finished sewing projects and family news and photos.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Sewing Frustration!

This tiny apartment is getting to me. I have 5 machines (so far), a computer desk and toys all over my living room. My couch is long gone in favor of a smaller loveseat. My bedroom is crammed with bedroom furniture, a cedar chest my father made in about 1928 or so and a rollaway bed for KK. There is also a hobby table I use to cut things out. I cannot have the rollaway bed and the hobby table up at the same time so I am constantly putting up and folding down. All the closets are full and the space under the bed is taken up with bins. I am so frustrated!

I just embroidered these for KK. She will be 3 on the 17th.

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