
In the late 80's I gave away my entire sewing room and took up knitting. All my fabric stash, my notions and yes, even my sewing machine!! Since KK was born, I have gotten back into sewing. This blog is to post finished sewing projects and family news and photos.

Friday, January 30, 2009

In the Mood to Sew

I have been struggling with a Vintage Vogue jacket pattern from 1954. There are no markings and it has been cut. How did they know where to cut back then? Little holes for markings, like darts, roll lines etc. Whoever cut it out was very sloppy and they altered it in places. I actually spent HOURS taping pieces back together, lining up cut edges, matching nicks and notches from prior cuts. I feel like a CSI agent. But I can't finish tracing the pattern until all the pieces are in their original shape. There is a beautiful piece of Pendleton Wool black and white houndstooth fabric waiting.....no doubt a muslin or two before then.


a little sewing said...

That is a very cute style I like the pockets shaped like little boxes.
Which version are you planning?

Anonymous said...


I remember the gorgeous Pendleton fabric, when you took a trip to the Mill or outlet. Your 50's pattern will make a delightful coat with your fabric, ONCE you restructure the pattern.

The little outfit for KK is adorable, as usual. You do such nice, precise work.

I greatly enjoyed the blog and all your family pictures. That just makes it so personal and informational. I will enjoy checking back for new news!

Karen Karendee