
In the late 80's I gave away my entire sewing room and took up knitting. All my fabric stash, my notions and yes, even my sewing machine!! Since KK was born, I have gotten back into sewing. This blog is to post finished sewing projects and family news and photos.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

We had a great day today. Very nice dinner and lots of fun under the tree. Here are the girls in their new shirts and little Santa Sam.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Holloween Kids

Sam and his Mommy and KK as Tinkerbell on Holloween.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pam in Jalie top

Here is Pam in the Jalie top I made for MJ for her birthday. It didn't fit MJ but it fit Pam.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Lunch Buddy has Changed!

My little Lunch Buddy has matured so much just since her 9th birthday in August. She has grown and she cut her long hair much shorter. We are dreaming up some projects to do this year. I hope to keep up with the knitting?

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Hoody

I have not made myself anything for about 3 years. This was a simple project but at least it was for me, for a change. I still have about 10 pounds to lose so have few clothes to wear. I see I need to straighten it up on my shoulders so it hangs straighter too before my picture gets taken. Oops! This hoody is to replace the one that was stolen out of my car. I really needed it as it is getting very nippy in the mornings these days.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Smiley Sam

Taken September 1, 2009, exactly 2 months old. He is smiling even more now.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sam Smiled at Me!

I got to stay with Sam while his parents went out for a little break yesterday. Oh Happy Day!! He slept most of the time they were gone. But, finally, he woke up and I got to play with him. He smiled at me!! Yay!! What a heartthrob he is. How lucky I am to have such wonderful grandchildren. I know it is bragging but I cannot help it!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Lunch Buddy is Turning 9

My little Lunch Buddy is having her 9th birthday this month. I made her a bag to carry her knitting in, to match the needle wrap I made her for Valentine's Day. The appliqué fabric is what I used for the needle carrier, so now we have a set! We share a love for Poodle dogs. I put her initial on the other side. Guess I need to run up to the yarn store in Washougal to get her a few knitting trinkets to put in her bag. Maybe a few more needles too.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday. Today we gathered at Andy and Pam's house for a birthday dinner. Andy cooked a wonderful salmon on the grill and made a delicious salad and fresh vegetables. Joe, Sandi and Sam were able to come and KK and Margaret were there too. KK helped her Mommy bake the birthday cake and it was delicious. The weather was beautiful...not too hot but clear and warm. Sam slept through most of it. I had a wonderful time. Here are a few pictures....Pammy and Andy in the kitchen, Joe, Sandi and Sammy, MJ and KK and me....in no particular order....the pictures never end up where I thought I put them anyway. Thank heavens for these kids. Getting older would be no fun at all without them...hehehe

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sam in the Bassinet

Here is Sam in his bassinet. Also, snoozing through the Mariners game with Gabba holding him. Great way to spend the 4th of July.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

He has a Name

Our new boy is Samuel Joseph, Sam for short. Joseph is his Daddy's name. Finally, we can call him by his name instead of Peanut, Joe Jr etc. Yay!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We are SO PROUD!!

We are still waiting to find out his name. Here he is, our new baby boy. His Daddy called me this morning about 6:45 to say that Sandi was in labor and they were at the hospital. The other grandparents and I waited all morning and he was born at 1:29 pm. He weighed 7 pounds 2 oz and I think he is19 inches long. The epidural worked as it was supposed to and Mommy and baby are doing great. He is really a beautiful baby and barely makes a peep. Very wide eyed and alert. We are so happy!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Joe is 40!!

Yesterday was Joe's birthday. Joe and Sandi, MJ and Andy and Pammy came for dinner. Sandi is doing OK but the doctor says the baby is ready and the due date is 2 weeks away. She looks terrific but is not that comfortable now. We are getting anxious to meet our new little guy. I did not get a photo of MJ and none of me but here are the 2 I did get. KK is on vacation with her Dad so she was not there. We had a shrimp Louie and a side dish of black beans and rice with peppers and mangoes. Yum! Cocomo Joe did not get his carrot cake this year. Instead, he got a strawberry pie, which he also loves. It was just too hot to bake....no AC here.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Time Flies When You're Moving

Circumstances changed at my apartment complex so that it made sense to move. I found a 2 bedroom apartment that I love. It allows me to have a work room. I have a new sewing cabinet, thanks to the kids. So, there is a place for my machines and they are no longer on the kitchen table or in the living room.

My sewing got interrupted. That's for sure! But, I did manage to prepare the bassinet for our new baby boy. I can hardly wait to see him. I wish he had a name. So far I have to call him Joe Jr or just Junior. I haven't quite finished knitting the blanket. Almost!

There are rose bushes a few feet from my back door......Aren't these beautiful?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yay! It's a boy!!

Joe and Sandi are having a boy! I am so glad! Somebody to carry on the kids' family name. They had an ultra sound this morning and learned the happy news.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tracing patterns for DDIL

Today I traced a couple of patterns to make Sandi some tops. She probably has enough, but I want to contribute to the enterprise. Her parents live close by so I won't be called upon much, but still, it is fun to do something? Joe and Sandi find out the gender soon. I can hardly wait. As soon as I know, I will start the blanket for the bassinet. I can't believe it has been more than 4 years since I did this for KK.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Credit Card Interest Rate.....Yikes!!

I could hardly believe my eyes today when I read a notice from my CC company/bank that they were raising my interest rate 10 points!!!???! What's up with that? I keep my balance low, make big payments on time and have never gone over my limit or not paid on time. Guess we credit card holders are going to pay for the banks' losses, huh?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Big Hit with Lunch Buddy

My Lunch Buddy loved her knitting needle roll. She had hinted around a few weeks ago and I told her to have patience....Valentine's Day was coming up and there was always her birthday in August....She was surprised and VERY pleased. Such a darling girl.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No Room for Spunky to Snooze

I am out of room in this tiny apt. There isn't even any room for Spunky to snooze in his favorite chair.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lunch Buddy Valentine

I have been a Lunch Buddy at the local elementary school for the last 5 years. For 3 years I had a wonderful boy named Tim, who has gone on to Middle School. Last year they assigned me a little girl who is adorable. AND, best of all, she likes needle work. I am teaching her to knit this year and she is making her Mom and Grandmother dishcloths for Mother's Day. So, I made this needle wrap for her Valentine this year. She only has a few sets of needles but we are adding as we go.

Tomorrow I will work on my vintage pattern again. It isn't that much fun, really....rather tedious. Now, in my basket, I also have window treatments for DD, maternity tops I want to try for DDIL. Also, I have several muslins to make for KK as I think ahead. She will be 4 in April. Also, must knit the blanket for the bassinet and make a new liner. It may need a new coat of paint?

Friday, January 30, 2009

In the Mood to Sew

I have been struggling with a Vintage Vogue jacket pattern from 1954. There are no markings and it has been cut. How did they know where to cut back then? Little holes for markings, like darts, roll lines etc. Whoever cut it out was very sloppy and they altered it in places. I actually spent HOURS taping pieces back together, lining up cut edges, matching nicks and notches from prior cuts. I feel like a CSI agent. But I can't finish tracing the pattern until all the pieces are in their original shape. There is a beautiful piece of Pendleton Wool black and white houndstooth fabric waiting.....no doubt a muslin or two before then.

Just finished these pants for KK. The outfit was supposed to be for Christmas but I didn't get the pants finished in time.