
In the late 80's I gave away my entire sewing room and took up knitting. All my fabric stash, my notions and yes, even my sewing machine!! Since KK was born, I have gotten back into sewing. This blog is to post finished sewing projects and family news and photos.

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Hoody

I have not made myself anything for about 3 years. This was a simple project but at least it was for me, for a change. I still have about 10 pounds to lose so have few clothes to wear. I see I need to straighten it up on my shoulders so it hangs straighter too before my picture gets taken. Oops! This hoody is to replace the one that was stolen out of my car. I really needed it as it is getting very nippy in the mornings these days.


a little sewing said...

oh that is the cutest little hoody! You look great in it.

Sandi Stillings said...

You are such a great seamstress.At least you can wear what you sew!! It looks great!